About Us
Switchgrass away from fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions!
Our Vision
At CRC Biofuel Solutions, our vision is to leverage our extensive experience in utilizing switchgrass as the primary fuel source for solid fuel boilers and extend this expertise to other facilities operating similar systems. This initiative encompasses coal-burning or wood burning facilities seeking to mitigate their carbon and greenhouse gas emissions without necessitating a complete fuel source or system transition. Additionally, we aim to aid in achieving compliance with new carbon emission regulations set forth by state and federal agencies.
By sharing this expertise, CRC Biofuel Solutions endeavors to facilitate significant changes in the green energy and biofuel industry with several benefits. These benefits include positive impacts on the local farming economy, enhancing budgetary predictability concerning fuel costs for solid fuel boiler facilities, and delivering cost efficiencies for local, state, and federal governments. Most notably, our efforts are aimed at effecting tangible environmental benefits by not only reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions but also by enhancing natural carbon sequestration through the widespread cultivation of switchgrass.